Beyond sing the woods

No retreat, no way around, one has to take their fight tot he end.

There were many and varied people at Björndal and all had their places at this table.  There was Stygg-Hans and Espen Fillehaug and Ruske-Per and Lang-Ola and Stum Jens and Anette Paasa--these and many others who could work no longer.  Then there were some among them who could still use their hands, such as Jörn Mangfoldig who was once so skilled at carpentry.  Now his eyes were dim and his hand shaky, but he still had work to do mending things, he imagined, and he had his safe home at Björndal until the end of his days.  He was one of those who had Dag's cast-off clothes, so he was finely dressed for the party.

Here and there all around the table were those who were young and strong, like Syver and the other grooms, and there were wild young people among them, but at this table they behaved themselves.  People from the woods were here too, and Martin Hogger himself, the most powerful tree-feller in the forest.

Chairs scraped and shoes shuffled when every one left the table.  Each in his turn, according to his station, walked past Old Dag and shook hands to thank him for the meal and wish him a happy Christmas.  The old man took each one's hand with special warmth this year.  Then chairs were shifted back against the wall, the table was cleared, and all went back to their own quarters about the gaard.


En eeuwig zingen de bossen

Dag staarde met angst naar buiten naar de grote berk. Hij dacht aan de mannen van zijn geslacht uit vroeger tijden, en aan zijn vader. Onder mannenplicht hadden zij sedert onheuglijke tijden ook de wraak gerangschikt. De oude Ane Hamarrb ø, die zoveel over zijn geslacht te berichten wist, zij had eens, toen zij Tore en hem aan het vertellen was over vroeger tijden, haar verhaal besloten met deze fiere woorden: Geen van hen ligt ongewroken in het graf. En hij herinnerde zich ook, hoe de dominee bij zijn vader gekomen was, om hulp te vragen tegen de beer daarginds in de brede vlakte-woonstreek. Dag had toen in de kamer er naast staan luisteren en hij herinnerde zich nu, hoe zijn vader zich niet liet vermurwen door smeekbeden noch beloften. Maar toen het bleek, dat het een beer was van het grote berengeslacht, dat zijn vader en ook diens vader had neergeslagen, toen was hij plotseling bereid. Zij mochten niet ongewroken blijven, als er nog een van dat zelfde berengeslacht leefde. Wraak, - wraak, -wraak.
