Every splendour would disappear from the city, every beauty, every ornament; no more temples, monuments, arts (…) our entire life and that of the State would be overthrown if everyone only procured that which is necessary (…) Money is the backbone of the State, and the greedy must be considered its basis and foundation.
Every man waits his destined hour; even the cities are doomed to their fate. Let us spend our leisure with our books, which will take our minds off these troubles, and will teach us to despise what many people desire....sometimes I am free for reading, free from all care about public affairs...I live free as much as I can.

Always panting for riches and never giving our souls or our bodies a moment's peace, we are thrown into a continuous state of misery and anxiety.

Those who are content with little live day by day and treat any day like a feast day.

I have always had great contempt for money; not that I wouldn't like to be rich, but because I hate the work and care which are inevitably associated with wealth.
