
Væv mig en kaabe, som rødmer,

spind den af taage, knyt den af straaler,

dyp den i nellikeblod!

Væv mig en kjole, som skjælver –

aspebladvævet, dugperleknappet,

heftet med spindelvævtraad!

Sy mig et belte, som funkler –

lokkende lygtmænd, hoppende ildblus

funkle paa himmelblaa grund!

Sy mig saa noget, der hvisker!

smilende spænder, sommerfuglvinger,

– legende kolibrisko!


Weave me a coat that turns crimson,

spin it from mist, knit it from rays of light,

dip it in carnation's blood!

Weave me a dress that trembles –

woven from aspen leaves, stitched with cobweb threads,

buttoned with pearls of dew!

Make me a belt that glitters –

alluring will-o'–the-wisp, leaping flames

sparkle on sky-blue soil!

Sew me something that whispers!

smiling buckles, summer bird wings

– whimsical humming bird shoes!

Translated by Nadia Christensen

Cease thy play

Be mute, song-notes,

Be mute, thou wondrous music

of night,

so the words can ring out,

can trickle like poison

forth from my soul.

For I yearn to be delivered from suffering.

Cease thy play,

thou nature, who uprearest thee

mutely above mortal destinies.

I will hearken to the word within me

and find what is true.

Soon will the morning be here

with its wonderful sun,

and its throbbing life,

– then will the words die upon my lips.

Therefore night,

lure them forth,

these dancing words, these dying words,

Upon thy black ground shall my words


Everything is so strange

I look at the white sky.

I look at the grey-blue clouds.

I look at the blood-red sun.

So this is the Earth.

So this is the home of the planets.

A raindrop!

I look at the tall houses,

I look at the thousand windows,

I look at the distant church spire.

So this is the Earth.

So this is the home of mankind.

The grey-blue clouds gather. The sun disappears.

I look at the well-dressed gentlemen,

I look at the smiling ladies,

I look at the stooping horses.

The grey-blue clouds become so heavy.

I look, I look …

I must have come to the wrong planet

Everything is so strange